Conditioning as Disintegration
From Chang and Pollard, Statistica Neerlandica 1997 Also see chapters on regular conditional probabilities.
From Chang and Pollard, Statistica Neerlandica 1997 Also see chapters on regular conditional probabilities.
A tiny code snippet for Vim using UltiSnips plugin that can convert links to papers into APA citation in markdown.
This is a brief recap of discrete time martingales. I am using Jean Francois Le Gall’s book and David Williams’ books as references.
A sequel to the previous post on Brownian Motion. We introduce Wiener Measure, the Blumenthal 0-1 Law, and the Strong Markov Property.
Second post in the series. Mainly about the construction of Brownian motion and its properties. I have moved the construction of Gaussian white noise to this post.
This is the first of possibly a series of blog posts recording my study of the book Brownian Motion, Martingales, and Stochastic Calculus by Jean-François Le Gall. A useful reference is this solution manual by Te-Chun Wang.
Understanding the VAE
Using Buffon’s Needle to estimate $\pi$
Taking Potions
Orthogonal Polynomials
Notes on leverages from MATH50011
Fourier Series
Differential Equations
Matrix Norms
Decomposition and Least Sqs.
Structured Matrices
Numerical Differentiation
This post serves as a minimal appraoch to understanding the CTC loss (for myself).
Problem 32 Statement
A bitmap image, which is an image consists of $0$’s and $1$’s.
Question 6
Returning to recurrent state i.o.