Leetcode Problem 32 Dynamic Programming in Java
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Problem 32
Given a string $s$ consisting of $($ and $)$, find the length of the longest valid substring of parentheses.
We use a dynamic programming approach.
Call longest valid substring of parentheses ending at the $i$th position with $)$ valid if it is maximal and all parenthese inside it are matched. For instance, ()()()
is valid, but ()())
is not.
The subproblems are the length of those strings. The entries D[i]
of the array will store exactly those numbers and we have the following recurrence relation.
1. If the $i$th position is $)$ and the $i-1$th position is $($, then D[i]=D[i-2]+2
2. If the $i$th position is $)$ and the $i-1$th position is $)$, then we consider the starting point of the valid substring ending at $i-1$ (if any), whose index is given by i-D[i-1]
. Then we obtain recurrence relation depending on the position of the index.
A dynamic programming solution in Java is written below.
Solution in Java:
public static int longestValidParentheses(String s)
// Finding the longest substring (no. of characters) of valid parenthesis
// string of valid parenthesis is defined as a string with every bracket
// inside it matched
int n = s.length();
int max = 0;
// Array D stores the longest valid substring ending at i
int D[] = new int[n];
if (n<2){return 0;}
for (int i=1;i<n;i++){
if (s.charAt(i)==')'){
// Only consider those ending with )
if(s.charAt(i-1)=='(' && i==2){
if (D[i]>max){max=D[i];}
if(s.charAt(i-1)=='(' && i>=2)
if (D[i]>max){max=D[i];}
} // previous is (, so matched
//previous is ), so consider the matching of ), if any
int prev_ind = i-D[i-1]; //the index of the matching bracket of i-1 if any
// if previous index actually exists and there is something before it
// if previous index has at least 2 positions before it
// and ( is before it, so 2 is added, and also result of D[prev-1-1]
if (D[i]>max){max=D[i];}
else if (prev_ind==1)
// else there is either only one position before
// so if ( then add 2 else keep fixed
D[i] = D[i-1] + 2;
if (D[i]>max){max=D[i];}
// Note we ignore the case where the prev_ind-1 has )
// which means the ith ) is not matched by maximality
return (max);