MATH50003 Week2

Table of Contents

Numerical Differentiation

Finite Difference

\[\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h} \qquad \text{(one-sided)}\] \[\frac{f(x+h)-f(x-h)}{2h} \qquad \text{(central difference)}\] \[\frac{f(x+h) - 2f(x) + f(x-h)}{h^2} \qquad \text{(second-derivative)}\]
  • Recall Taylor’s series with remainder term up to 2 (including 2 remainder), the $\frac{f’‘(t)h^2}{2! \ h}$ is the absolute error

  • When bounding, often get rid of goal $f’(x)$ and the denominator $h$, also assuming division by $h$ and addition both exact.

  • The following gives error bound for estimating $f’(x)$.

\[(f^{\rm FP}(x + h) ⊖ f^{\rm FP}(x)) ⊘ h = f'(x) + \underbrace{f'(x) δ_1 + {f''(t) \over 2} h (1 + \delta_1) + {δ^f_{x+h}- δ^f_x \over h} (1 + δ_1)}_{δ_{x,h}^{\rm FD}}\]
  • Note the error bound (from lecture notes)
\[|δ_{x,h}^{\rm FD}| \leq {|f'(x)| \over 2} ϵ_{\rm m} + M h + {4c ϵ_{\rm m} \over h}\]
  • where we have a bounded second derivative
\[M =\sup_{x \leq t \leq x+h} |f''(t)|\]


  • Numerical instability in floating point arithmetic

  • e.g. $f=1+x+x^2$ works well but going above significant bits yields $0$ $g=1+x/3+x^2$ analogous.

    Reason for above

  • case1 $0 \leq n \leq \frac{S}{2}$, ($S$ no of mantissa), exact computation but with error
  • case2 $\frac{S}{2}<n\leq S$ last term of high power gets dropped so exact in this case with no error
  • case3 $n \geq S$ all powers get dropped only 1 left so error is 1


  • Would like to find optimal point
  • Heuristic is to balance error choose $Mh =4c/h \epsilon$
  • h is approx. $\sqrt{\epsilon}$

Differentiation with Dual Numbers

Take $a+b\epsilon$, where $\epsilon ^2=0$.

For any polynomial


Thus for any other functions, express them using Taylor and differentiate term by term.

Dual Extension



then such functions are called dual extensions at $a$.
e.g. $\cos(a+b\epsilon)=\cos(a)-\sin(a)b\epsilon$

Also valid for some functions with non-convergent Taylor series

\[|a+b\epsilon|=|a|+b \ r'(a) \epsilon\]

Product and Chain rule still holds for dual extensions, so can differentiate all common functions.

\[f(x) = \exp(\exp(x)\cos(x)+\sin(x))\] \[f(0.1+\epsilon) = f(0.1) \ + f'(0.1)\epsilon\] \[\exp([e^{0.1}+e^{0.1}\epsilon][\cos(0.1)-\sin(0.1)\epsilon]+[\sin(0.1)+\cos(0.1)\epsilon])\] \[= \exp(e^{0.1} \cos(0.1) +\sin(0.1) + \mathbf{\epsilon} \ [e^{0.1}\cos(0.1)-e^{0.1}\sin(0.1)+\cos(0.1)])\]

So the derivative at $0.1$ is given by the dual part times $\exp(real)$

# Can use ForwardDiff to verify
using ForwardDiff
f = x->exp(exp(x)*cos(x)+sin(x))
g = x->ForwardDiff.derivative(f, x)


Big and Small O

\[f(n) = O(\phi(n)) \qquad |\frac{f(n)}{\phi(n)}|\leq C\] \[f(n) = o(\phi(n)) \qquad |\frac{f(n)}{\phi(n)}| \rightarrow 1\]


  • Multipicative
\[O(\phi(n)) \ O(\psi(n)) = O(\phi(n)\psi(n))\]
  • Additive
\[O(\phi(n)) + O(\psi(n)) = O(|\phi(n)| + |\psi(n)|)\]


cnt = 0
for k = 1:n
    for j = 1:k
        cnt += j^2

Ignore the accesses to memory and add to get \(\sum_{k=1}^n O(k)=O(\sum_{k=1}^n k)=O(n^2)\)

MATH50003 Week3 MATH50003 Week1