MATH50003 Week4

Table of Contents

Decomposition and Least Sqs.

Importance of decomposition due to the ease of invertibility, hence quicker solution to linear systems.


$A=QR$, $Q$ orthogonal, $R$ right triangular (rectangular), last few rows of zeros

\[\qquad A = Q R = \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} 𝐪_1 | \cdots | 𝐪_m \end{bmatrix}}_{m × m} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} × & \cdots & × \\ & ⋱ & ⋮ \\ && × \\ &&0 \\ &&⋮ \\ && 0 \end{bmatrix}}_{m × n}\]

Reduced QR

  • Drop the last few rows of zeros , the right triangular is now square and triangular. Also $Q$ becomes $\hat{Q}$, which is $m \times n$.

  • If we take transpose and then decompose, we get kernel as the orthogonal space to row space is column kernel

Least Squares


\[||A \vec{x} - \vec{b}||\]
  • If square matrix and invertible then easily solved by inverse.
  • Using QR:
\[||QR\vec{x}-\vec{b}||=||Q^T(QR\vec{x}-\vec{b})||=||R\vec{x} - Q^T b||\]

As orthogonal matrices keep norm.

  • So drop the zeros and minimize
\[||\hat{R}\vec{x} - \hat{Q}^T b||\]
  • if $A$ has full rank, then $\hat{R}$ is invertible (since orthogonal $Q$ has full rank, so dim of column span of rectangular $R$ is full, hence $\hat{R}$ invertible), so

Computing QR via Gram-Schmidt

  • Since $R$ is upper-triangular, the span of first $k$ columns of $Q$ is the same as $A$.

  • First compute the ‘coefficients’ of G-S namely the dot product of already computed orthonormal vectors $q_k$ with the to be transformed basis vector $a_j$, store those $q_k^Ta_j$ as $r_{k,j}$ in $R$.

\[𝐯_j := 𝐚_j - \sum_{k=1}^{j-1} \underbrace{𝐪_k^\top 𝐚_j}_{r_{kj}}𝐪_k\]
  • The diagonal entries $r_{j,j}$ are the norm of $v_j$, where \(q_j=\frac{v_j}{||v_j||}\)

  • Common G-S works over the columns of $R$ and fill each of them, when filling the $r_{k,j}$’s entries, we take $O(m)$, other norm computing stuff takes $O(1)$, so each column takes $O(mj)$, summing up gives $O(mn^2)$

Computing QR via Householder

More numerically stable than G-S.

  • Repeatedly apply the reflection matrix and use the property of Householder \(Q_{\mathbf{x}}\mathbf{x}=\pm ||\mathbf{x}||\mathbf{e_1}\) to only keep the first entry

  • After altering the first column, use modified second column as the $\mathbf{x}$ in Householder and apply to the sub-matrix (keeping first row and column fixed)

  • Continue inductively

\[Q_2 Q_1A = \begin{bmatrix} \times & \times & \times & \cdots & \times \\ & \times & \times & \cdots & \times \\ && ⋮ & ⋱ & ⋮ \\ && \times & \cdots & \times \end{bmatrix}\]
  • So final $Q = Q_1 \cdots Q_n = (Q_n \cdots Q_1)^T$

LU factorisation

  • Repeatedly apply lower triangular matrices with one columns only to $A$

  • Analogously as above, inductively apply to sub-matrices that are modified on the previous step; the lower triangular matrix has its columns ‘move down’ in the process

\[L_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ -{a_{21} \over a_{11}} & 1 \\ ⋮ &&⋱ \\ -{a_{n1} \over a_{11}} &&& 1 \end{bmatrix}\] \[L_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ & 1 \\ & -\frac{a_{32}^1}{a_{22}^1} & 1 \\ & ⋮ & & \ddots \\ & -\frac{a_{n2}^1}{a_{22}^1} & \cdots && 1 \end{bmatrix}\]
  • Now $L_n \cdots L_1 A = U$, and note by the properties of lower triangular matrices, can first move $L_k$ to RHS and invert by the fact (inverse is the negative column) \(L_j^{-1} = I - \begin{bmatrix} 𝟎_j \\ 𝐥_j \end{bmatrix} 𝐞_j^⊤\)

  • Also note the product of lower triangular is lower triangular.

PLU decomposition

  • Apply permutation matrix to permute the entry with largest absolute value to the first before LU.
\[L_{n-1}P_{n-1}\cdots P_2 L_1 P_1 A= U\]
  • When getting back, use property that $P_{\sigma} L_j = \tilde{L_j} P_{\sigma}$, with ,($\sigma$ only changing the first $j$ entries) , the $\mathbf{l_j}$ above permuted by the last $j+1$permutation of $P_{\sigma}$.
\[L_{n-1}P_{n-1}\cdots P_2 L_1 P_1=\underbrace{L_{n-1}\tilde{L}_{n-2} \cdots \tilde{L}_1}_{L^{-1}} \underbrace{P_{n-1}\cdots P_2P_1}_{P}\]


  • The diagonal entries of a positive definite matrix are positive (simply take $x=e_k$, $x^T A x >0$) \(A = \begin{bmatrix} α & 𝐯^\top \\ 𝐯 & K \end{bmatrix} = \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} \sqrt{α} \\ {𝐯 \over \sqrt{α}} & I \end{bmatrix}}_{L_1} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ & K - {𝐯 𝐯^\top \over α} \end{bmatrix}}_{A_1} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} \sqrt{α} & {𝐯^\top \over \sqrt{α}} \\ & I \end{bmatrix}}_{L_1^\top}.\)

  • Induct down by the fact that subslices of positiv def.

Speed and Stability

  • Cholesky $>$ LU $>$ QR in terms of speed

  • Cholesky and QR (Householder) $>$ LU, PLU is in theory unstable but normally stable

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