A tiny Vim Snippet
Table of Contents
A tiny code snippet for Vim using UltiSnips
plugin that can convert links to papers into APA citation in markdown.
The first snippet auto-completes alin
and form a block of code with the link inside. The second snippet evaluates the link and returns the APA citation in markdown.
- Copy the code below into your
folder, which on my Mac is~/.vim/UltiSnips/
. - Open a markdown file, type
and presstab
. This will create a block of code with the link inside; presstab
again to complete the link.
Caveat Emptor
I was only able to find an API for arxiv
but not for other websites like openreview
. This can break if the website changes its structure.
snippet alin "create markdown links from paper links" w
alin $1 alin$0
priority 1000
snippet 'alin(.*)alin' "evaluate link and return APA cite in markdown" wr
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json
import warnings
def get_arxiv_metadata(arxiv_id):
url = f'http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?id_list={arxiv_id}'
response = requests.get(url)
feed = BeautifulSoup(response.content)
entry = feed.find('entry')
authors = [author.find('name').text for author in entry.find_all('author')]
published_date = entry.find('published').text
year = published_date.split('-')[0]
return authors, year
def get_openreview_metadata(url):
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
script_tag = soup.find('script', {'id': '__NEXT_DATA__'})
if not script_tag:
raise Exception('Data script tag not found')
data_str = script_tag.string
data_json = json.loads(data_str)
authors = data_json['props']['pageProps']['forumNote']['content']['authors']
if isinstance(authors, dict):
authors = authors['value']
year = data_json['props']['pageProps']['forumNote']['invitation']
except KeyError:
year = data_json['props']['pageProps']['forumNote']['invitations'][0]
# year of the form neurips.cc/2021/...
year = year.split('/')[1]
return authors, year
def format_authors(authors):
if len(authors) == 1:
# use last names only
return authors[0].split(' ')[-1]
elif len(authors) == 2:
return f"{authors[0].split(' ')[-1]} and {authors[1].split(' ')[-1]}"
return f"{authors[0].split(' ')[-1]} et al."
def generate_citation(arxiv_link, type = 'arxiv'):
if type == 'arxiv':
arxiv_link = arxiv_link.replace('/pdf/', '/abs/').replace('.pdf', '')
arxiv_id = arxiv_link.split('/')[-1]
authors, year = get_arxiv_metadata(arxiv_id)
formatted_authors = format_authors(authors)
citation = f"[{formatted_authors}, {year}]({arxiv_link})"
elif type == 'openreview':
# openreview_id = arxiv_link.split('/')[-1].split('?')[-1].split('=')[-1]
# replace pdf with forum
arxiv_link = arxiv_link.replace('/pdf?', '/forum?')
authors, year = get_openreview_metadata(arxiv_link)
formatted_authors = format_authors(authors)
citation = f"[{formatted_authors}, {year}]({arxiv_link})"
return citation
arxiv_link = f"{match.group(1)}"
arxiv_link = arxiv_link.strip()
type = None
if 'arxiv' in arxiv_link:
type = 'arxiv'
elif 'openreview' in arxiv_link:
type = 'openreview'
snip.rv = generate_citation(arxiv_link, type)