Conditioning as Disintegration

Table of Contents

From Chang and Pollard, Statistica Neerlandica 1997 Also see chapters on regular conditional probabilities.

Disintegration of Measures

Set up

  • $(\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{A},\lambda)$ and $(\mathcal{T}, \mathcal{B}, \mu)$ are measure spaces with a measurable map $T:\mathcal{X}\to \mathcal{T}$

  • Require both $\lambda$ and $\mu$ are sigma-finite

  • Here indicator with measure is $\lambda { T=t }\equiv \lambda(\mathbf{1}[x \in{ T=t }])$

  • And integrals are denoted as linear functionals $\lambda_{t}f=\int f d\lambda_{t}$
    • with $\mu^tf$ denoting integration w.r.t. the variable $t$
  • With the push-forward denoted as $T\lambda (B)=\lambda (T^{-1}(B))$


We say $\lambda$ has a disintegration ${\lambda_{t}}_t$ w.r.t. $(T,\mu)$ if:

  1. (Concentration) $\lambda_{t}$ is a sigma-finite measure on $\mathcal{A}$ concentrated on ${ T=t }$, with $\lambda_{t}{ T\neq t }=0$ for $\mu$-almost every $t \in \mathcal{T}$.

so functions with $g(Tx)=g(t), \lambda_{t}-a.s.$

and for each non-negative, measurable $f$ on $\mathcal{X}$

  1. (Measurability) $t\mapsto \lambda_{t}f$ is measurable

  2. (Mixing) $\lambda f=\mu^t (\lambda_{t}f)$

    • which should read as $\int f d\lambda=\int (\int f d\lambda_{t})d\mu^t$

Remark: Here the first one is as in the discrete conditional probability

I call mixing since $\mu$ is the mixing measure here (similar to GMM)

Assuming existence with some extra topological constraints, which makes the result stronger than the Kolmogorov one but also less general, we have the following that characterises the measure.

Theorem (sigma-finite)

Let $\lambda_{t}$ have a $(T,\mu)$ disintegration with conditions above.

(Densities) For applications, allow $\rho$ to be $\rho \ll \lambda$ and has density $r(x)$. Assume the usual $\lambda_{t}$ disintegration exists, then we have $\rho_{t}\ll \lambda_{t}$ , where the density is also $r(x)$

1 (Absolute continuity) We have the image measure satisfies $T\lambda \ll \mu$ , with density of $T\lambda$ being $\lambda_{t}\mathcal{X}$ - With density, image measure has $T\rho\ll \mu$ with density $\lambda_{t}r$

i.e. the density is the measure of whole space under the disintegration

2 (Finite and Sigma-finite) We have the following equivalence

\[\{ \lambda_{t} \} \text{ are finite for all t } \mu-a.e. \iff T\lambda \ \text{is sigma-finite}\]
  • similar results for $\rho_{t}$

this gives condition to normalise $\lambda_{t}$ into a probability measure

3 (Disintegration as Probability)

\[\{ \lambda_{t} \} \text{ are probabilities for all t} \mu-a.e. \iff T\lambda=\mu\]
  • similar for $\rho_{t}$

this directly characterises the probability, and in many use-cases we set $\mu$ as the push-forward.

4 (Normalising to Probability) If $T\lambda$ is sigma-finite and $(T\lambda){ \lambda_{t} \mathcal{X}=0 }=0$ and $(T\lambda){ \lambda_t \mathcal{X} =\infty }=0$. For $T\lambda$-almost all $t$, the measures:

\[\tilde{\lambda}_{t}(\cdot) = \frac{\lambda_{t}(\cdot)}{\lambda_{t}\mathcal{X}}\left\{0<\lambda_{t}\mathcal{X}<\infty\right\}\]

are probabilities which give a $(T,T\lambda)$ disintegration.

  • Having densities allows us to write:
\[\tilde{\rho}_{t}(f)=\frac{\lambda_{t}(f r)}{\lambda_{t}r}\left\{0<\lambda_{t}r<\infty\right\}\]

Note here restricted to the sets where the measure is finite and positive. This is global, which is in contrast with the Kolmogorov definition.


Suffice to note the following equalities, writing $\lambda_{t}\mathcal{X}=\ell(t)$

\[\int g(t)(T\lambda)(d t)=\int g(T x)\lambda(d x)=\int \int g(T x)\lambda_{t}(d x)\mu(d t)=\int\!g(t)\ell(t)\mu(d t)\]

which shows $\ell(t)$ is indeed the density (here $g$ is arbitrarily measurable)


Use the fact that a Measure is sigma-finite iff there is a finite integral of positive function. There exists $h(t)$ s.t. $\lambda h(t)<\infty$.

So for the first direction $\ell(t)<\infty$, then define


which is strictly positive and so $T\lambda$ sigma-finite by substituting into equalities in 1.

On the other hand, if $T\lambda$ is sigma-finite, then there is some $k(t)$ so $\int k(t)\ell(t)\mu(dt)<\infty$ implying finiteness of $\ell(t)$ hence $\lambda_{t}$.


First direction: $\ell(t)=1$ then the equalities hold with arbitrary $g$ hence $T\lambda=\mu$.

Conversely, by choosing specific $g(t)=h(t){\ell(t)<1}$ and $g(t)=h(t){\ell(t)>1}$ shows the conditioning sets have measure zero.


Simply expand the definition of disintegration, $\lambda f=\mu^{t}\lambda_{t}f$ and by definition


which equals $(T\lambda)^{t}\lambda_{t}f$.

Existence of disintegration

Theorem 1 (Existence Theorem)

  • Let $\lambda$ be a sigma-finite Radon measure on a metric space $\mathcal{X}$

  • and let $T$ be a measurable map from $\mathcal{X}$ into $(T, \mathcal{B})$.

  • Let $\mu$ be a sigma-finite measure on $\mathcal{B}$ that dominates the image measure $T\lambda$.

If $\mathcal{B}$ is countably generated and contains all the singleton sets ${t}$, then $\lambda$ has a $(T, \mu)$-disintegration.

The $\lambda_t$ measures are uniquely determined up to an almost sure equivalence: if ${\lambda_t^*}$ is another $(T, \mu)$-disintegration, then: \(\mu\{t \in T : \lambda_t \neq \lambda_t^*\} = 0.\)

See the original article’s appendix for a proof.

Example: Sufficient Statistics $T(\theta)$

The proof of the following well-known theorem is often omitted.

We let $(\mathcal{X}, \lambda)$ be the base space where the measure $\mathbb{P}$ has a density.

The statistic $T(x), x \in \mathcal{X}$ is *sufficient* if and only if the density admits the factorisation: $$ p(x,\theta) = g(Tx, \theta) h(x) $$ for measurable functions $g$ and $h$.

Here we refine the definition of sufficiency as the disintegration of $T, \lambda$ does not depend on $\theta$, i.e. the measure $P_{t}(\cdot)=\mathbb{P}(\cdot\vert T=t)$ does not depend on $\theta$, and this ${P}_{t}$ is shared for all parameters $\theta$

Proof with disintegration:

We re-write with the set up of the theorem above:

  • $(\mathcal{X},\lambda)$ is the usual Borel
  • $\rho$ is the probability measure $\mathbb{P}_{\theta}$ with density $p(x,\theta)$
  • $\lambda_{t}$ is the disintegration with Lebesgue, and we have $\rho_{t}\ll \lambda_{t}$ with density $p(x,\theta)$
  • Image measure $T\rho$ has density $\lambda_{t}r=\rho_{t} \mathcal{X}$

Assuming factorisation:

This is similar to the discrete case. We let the density on $(\mathcal{X}, \lambda)$ be:

\[\frac{d\mathbb{P}_{\theta}}{d\lambda}=p(x,\theta) = g(Tx, \theta) h(x)\]

and using the identity above:

\[\tilde{\rho}_{t}(f)=\frac{\lambda_{t}(f r)}{\lambda_{t}r}\left\{0<\lambda_{t}r<\infty\right\}\]

we have:

\[\mathbb{P}_{\theta,t}(f)={\frac{\lambda_{t}^{x}g(T x,\theta)h(x)f(x)}{\lambda_{t}^{x}g(T x,\theta)h(x)}}\{0<\lambda_{t}^{x}g(T x,\theta)h(x)<\infty\}\]

By the theorem and concentration of $\lambda_{t}$, we have:

\[0<\lambda_{t}^xg(T x,\theta)h(x)=g(t,\theta)\lambda_{t}h<\infty\]

for $t, T\mathbb{P}_{\theta}-$almost surely. So we can cancel out the factor containing $\theta$.

Note that the $>0$ and $<\infty$ guarantees the fraction is well-defined.

Assuming sufficiency

We first replace $\lambda$ with a base dominating probability measure constructed from a countable subset of $\theta$ parameters:


Now let $P_{t}$ be the common disintegration of all $\mathbb{P}_{\theta}$, which is possible as we now assume sufficiency.


so ${P}_{t}$ is also a disintegration of $\mathbb{P}$.

Define the density $g(t,\theta)$:

\[g(t,\theta) = \frac{d T\mathbb{P}_{\theta}}{dT\mathbb{P}}\] \[\begin{align} \mathbb{P}_{\theta}f &= (T\mathbb{P}_{\theta})^t P_{t} f \qquad \text{definition of disintegation} \\ &= (T\mathbb{P})^t g(t,\theta)P_{t}f \qquad \text{construction of }g(t,\theta) \\ &=\mathbb{P}g(Tx,\theta)f \qquad \text{shared disintegration} \end{align}\]

this shows:

\[\frac{d\mathbb{P}_{\theta}}{d\mathbb{P}} = g(Tx,\theta)\]

which gives:

\[\frac{d\mathbb{P}_{\theta}}{d\lambda} = g(Tx,\theta) \frac{d\mathbb{P}}{d\lambda}\]

which is a desired factorisation.

Note even though $\mathbb{P}$’s construction involves $\theta_{i}$ , we can choose not to include the current $\theta$ in the countable set (usually parameter space $\Theta$ is uncountable).

Example: Conditional Fisher Information

We follow the notations above.

Suffice to use the identity (for a fixed $t$)

\[f_{X}(x;\theta)=f_{X\mid T}(x\mid t;\theta)f_{T}(t;\theta), \quad \forall x \in \{ Tx=t \}\]

To see this, note that for any measurable, non-negative function $g$, by definition of the disintegration, we have:

\[\int_{\{ Tx=t \}} g(x) f_{X}(x,\theta) dx = \int_{s\in \mathcal{T}} \int_{\{ Tx=s \}} g(x) f_{X\vert T}(x\ \vert\ s,\theta) f_{T} (s;\theta) \mathbf{1}\{ Tx=t \} ds dx\]

but the only nonzero part of the RHS is given by (note $t\to f(x\vert T,\theta)$ is also measurable):

\[\int_{\{ Tx=t \}} f_{X\vert T}(x\ \vert\ t,\theta) f_{T} (t;\theta) g(x) dx\]

which proves the identity.

In the original question, the formula does not have the restriction $x \in { Tx=t }$, which causes some confusion.

This can be used to show

\[i_{X}(\theta)= i_{X\vert T}(\theta) +i_{T}(\theta)\]

Example: The Gluing Lemma

This is useful to show the Wasserstein-2 distance satisfies the triangle inequality

  • $(X,\mathcal{P}(X)), (Y,\mathcal{P}(Y)),(Z,\mathcal{P}(Z))$ be three Polish probability space

  • With $\mu \in \mathcal{P}(X), \nu \in \mathcal{P}(Y), \omega \in \mathcal{P}(Z)$.

  • $\pi_1 \in \Pi(\mu, \nu)$ and $\pi_2 \in \Pi(\nu, \omega)$ are couplings

  • $P^{X \times Y}$ and $P^{Y \times Z}$ be the projection maps from $X \times Y \times Z$ to $X \times Y$ and $Y \times Z$ respectively.

\[P^{X\times Y} (x,y,z)=(x,y) \quad \text{and} \quad P^{Y\times Z}(x,y,z)=(y,z).\]

Then there is a measure $\gamma \in \mathcal{P}(X\times Y\times Z)$ s.t.

\[P^{X \times Y}_{\sharp}\gamma = \pi_1 \quad \text{and} \quad P^{Y \times Z}_{\sharp}\gamma = \pi_2.\]

when the context is clear, we omit $\sharp$

Proof: Consider the projection map $T_{1}:(x,y) \mapsto y$ , then we can form a $(T_{1},\mu)$ disintegration to write for any measurable functions $g$:

\[\int_{X\times Y} g(x,y) \pi_{1}(d(x,y)) =\int_{X} \int_{Y} g(x,y)\pi_{1,y}(dx)\ \nu(dy)\]

note that in fact the disintegration is on $X\times Y$ but by concentration we identify $\pi_{1}(A\times { b }\vert y) \in \mathcal{P}(X\times Y)$ with the measure $\pi_{1}(A\vert y) \in \mathcal{P}(X)$

\[\int_{Y\times Z} g(y,z) \pi_{2}(d(y,z)) =\int_{Y} \int_{Z} g(y,z)\pi_{2,y}(dz)\ \nu(dy)\]

We can now define the gluing measure $\gamma(x,y,z)$ again by defining for every measurable function $g$ on $X\times Y\times Z$:

\[\int_{X\times Y \times Z} g(x,y,z) \gamma(d(x,y,z)) = \int_{X\times Y\times Z}g(x,y,z) \pi_{1,y}(dx) \pi_{2,y}(dz) \nu(dy)\]

which finishes the proof.

Wasserstein-2 distance satisfies the triangle inequality

The following is form Chapter 6 of Villani, 2012

Let $\mu, \nu,$ and $\omega$ be three probability measures on $\mathcal{X}$, and let $(X, Y)$ be an optimal coupling of $(\mu, \nu)$ and $(Y, Z)$ an optimal coupling of $(\nu, \omega)$ (for the cost function $c = d^p$).

By the Gluing Lemma, there exist random variables $(X’, Y’, Z’)$ with $\text{law}(X’, Y’) = \text{law}(X, Y)$ and $\text{law}(Y’, Z’) = \text{law}(Y, Z)$. In particular, $(X’, Z’)$ is a coupling of $(\mu, \omega)$, so

\[\begin{align} W_p(\mu, \omega) &\leq \left( \mathbb{E} \, d(X', Z')^p \right)^{\frac{1}{p}} \\ &\leq \left( \mathbb{E} \left( d(X', Y') + d(Y', Z') \right)^p \right)^{\frac{1}{p}} \\ &\leq \left( \mathbb{E} \, d(X', Y')^p \right)^{\frac{1}{p}} + \left( \mathbb{E} \, d(Y', Z')^p \right)^{\frac{1}{p}} \\ &= W_p(\mu, \nu) + W_p(\nu, \omega), \end{align}\]

where the inequality leading to the third line is an application of the Minkowski inequality in $L^p(\mathbb{P})$, and the last equality follows from the fact that $(X’, Y’)$ and $(Y’, Z’)$ are optimal couplings. So $W_p$ satisfies the triangle inequality.

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